Our mission

Having started out as a small company ourselves, we've faced the struggles many entrepreneurs encounter when breaking into the digital space. That's why we're dedicated to leveling the playing field.

With StyleAI, it's easier than ever for small businesses to establish a strong online presence and make their mark in the digital landscape. Our mission is to democratize digital marketing for all businesses.

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Our story

Back in 2020, StyleAI was founded by two Berkeley undergrads out of their dorm room. When attempting to establish an online presence of their own, they realized it was expensive and nearly impossible to compete online with the massive tech giants out there. Soon thereafter, StyleAI was born, focused on delivering simple yet effective web technology to empower small businesses worldwide.

A message from our founders

Ever since we met at UC Berkeley years ago, we've been focused on building groundbreaking companies in the digital marketing space. Our first venture helped some of the world's largest brands rethink their digital marketing strategies. Now, we see AI as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to bring the same flexibility and power to small businesses around the world. Powerful digital marketing shouldn't be exclusively available to those with large budgets. We truly believe StyleAI will enable everyone in the world to grow and maintain a strong digital presence.

Neil Tewari

Co-founder and CEO

James Jiao

Co-founder and CTO

Our team

Since 2020, StyleAI has rapidly evolved from a two man operation to a dedicated team of professionals around the world. Headquartered in the tech hub of San Francisco, we embody a diverse set of talented trailblazers, each bringing our own unique perspectives and backgrounds to the table. Our team embraces agility and individuality, not hierarchy. In a fast-paced digital landscape, we pride ourselves on our ability to adapt quickly and deliver outstanding results. We're continuously pushing boundaries of what's possible in the world of artificial intelligence, and we hope you'll join us on our journey.


Proudly based in San Francisco

Get started growing your brand in under 10 minutes

Your next digital marketing agency isn't an agency at all. Our products make building stunning websites, managing ad campains, and improving your brand image on search engines like Google effortless. Save money and attract new customers quickly and easily.

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